
Zeitschriftenartikel (12)

Baltes, P. B. (2003). Das hohe Alter - mehr Bürde als Würde? MaxPlanckForschung, (2), 15–19.
Baltes, P. B. (2003). Extending longevity: Dignity gain - or dignity drain? MaxPlanckResearch, (3), 15–19.
Baltes, P. B., & Smith, J. (2003). New frontiers in the future of aging: From successful aging of the young old to the dilemmas of the fourth age. Gerontology, 49(2), 123–135.
Ghisletta, P., & Lindenberger, U. (2003). Age-based structural dynamics between perceptual speed and knowledge in the Berlin Aging Study: Direct evidence for ability dedifferentiation in old age. Psychology and Aging, 18(4), 696–713.
Isaacowitz, D. M., & Smith, J. (2003). Positive and negative affect in very old age. The Journals of Gerontology: B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 58B(3), P143–P152.
Neyer, F. J., & Lang, F. R. (2003). Blood is thicker than water: Kinship orientation across adulthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 310–321.
Schaub, R. T., Linden, M., & Copeland, J. R. M. (2003). A comparison of GMS-A/AGECAT, DSM-III-R for dementia and depression, including subthreshold depression (SD) - Results from the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18, 109–117.
Singer, T., Lindenberger, U., & Baltes, P. B. (2003). Plasticity of memory for new learning in very old age: A story of major loss? Psychology and Aging, 18(2), 306–317.
Singer, T., Verhaeghen, P., Ghisletta, P., Lindenberger, U., & Baltes, P. B. (2003). The fate of cognition in very old age: Six-year longitudinal findings in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). Psychology and Aging, 18(2), 318–331.
Smith, J. (2003). Stress and aging: Theoretical and empirical challenges for interdisciplinary research. Commentary. Neurobiology of Aging, 24(Suppl. 1), S77–S80.
Verhaeghen, P., Borchelt, M., & Smith, J. (2003). Relation between cardiovascular and metabolic disease and cognition in very old age: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings from the Berlin Aging Study. Health Psychology, 22(6), 559–569.
Vollmann, J., Bauer, A., Danker-Hopfe, H., & Helmchen, H. (2003). Competence of mentally ill patients: A comparative empirical study. Psychological Medicine, 33, 1463–1471.

Buchkapitel (6)

Baltes, P. B. (2003). On the incomplete architecture of human ontogeny: Selection, optimization, and compensation as foundation of developmental theory. In U. M. Staudinger & U. Lindenberger (Eds.), Understanding human development: Dialogues with lifespan psychology (pp. 17–43). Kluwer.
Böhnke, P., & Lampert, T. (2003). Ungleiche Lebensqualität im Alter - Zum Zusammenhang von Armut, Gesundheit und gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe. In J. Allmendinger (Ed.), Entstaatlichung und soziale Sicherheit: Verhandlungen des 31. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Leipzig 2002 [CD-ROM]. Leske + Budrich.
Helmchen, H. (2003). Was heißt "unterschwellig" psychisch krank? Diagnostik und Theapie der Symptomarmut. In W. Vollmoeller (Ed.), Grenzwertige psychische Störungen: Diagnostik und Therapie in Schwellenbereichen (pp. 19–26). Thieme.
Lampert, T. (2003). Soziale und psychosoziale Mechanismen der Gesundheit im Alter. In J. Allmendinger (Ed.), Entstaatlichung und soziale Sicherheit: Verhandlungen des 31. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Leipzig 2002 [CD-ROM]. Leske + Budrich.
Smith, J. (2003). The gain-loss dynamic in lifespan development: Implications for change in self and personality during old age and very old age. In U. M. Staudinger & U. Lindenberger (Eds.), Understanding human development: Dialogues with lifespan psychology (pp. 215–241). Kluwer.
Smith, J., & Delius, J. (2003). Die längsschnittlichen Erhebungen der Berliner Altersstudie (BASE): Design, Stichproben und Schwerpunkte 1990-2002 [The longitudinal assessments in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE): Design, samples, and topics 1990-2002]. In F. Karl (Ed.), Sozial- und verhaltenswissenschaftliche Gerontologie: Alter und Altern als gesellschaftliches Problem und individuelles Thema (pp. 225–249). Juventa.

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Schmiedek, F. (2003). The structure of cognitive abilities in old and very old age: On the importance of specific group factors in a dedifferentiated factor space [Doktorarbeit, Freie Universität Berlin].
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